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Providing Footwear for the Homeless
The lack of footwear is of particular concern for those who are homeless. Homeless people depend on walking as their primary mode of transportation, are exposed to harsh outdoor elements, and have poor foot hygiene. Because of this, incidences of foot problems are common. In addition, the homeless lack access to health services for foot problems. That’s why the right footwear and socks are critical in preventing foot problems.
Provision Ministry was able to procure over 500 pair of high quality, branded men’s covered toe sandals from a local export company for pennies on the dollar to give out to multiple nonprofits that are helping to care for the homeless. These sturdy sandals were used for spring and summer distribution to the homeless and refugees, too.
Another way that Provision Ministry supports the homeless is by working with corporations and community organizations to sponsor Homeless Care Pack team building events. Homeless Care Packs are drawstring bags containing new white socks along with basic hygiene products like soap, shampoo, and toothbrushes that are distributed to homeless people in local communities. To find out more about sponsoring and hosting a Homeless Care Pack building event visit the Pack Builds and Homeless Care Packs pages on our website.
Provision Ministry is sensitive to protecting the dignity of the homeless by gaining access to better quality products for distribution. An integral part of Provision’s homeless outreach initiatives is our commitment to secure high-quality products that are the most needed and most beneficial to people in the community who need them the most.